Posted by: worldsgreatesttravelblog | January 16, 2010



A basic ticket into the Kremlin complex will set you back a little over $10.00. It’s worth every penny.The Kremlin is a simply amazing complex of buildings, some of them dating back historically to the 11th century. This was during the time of Kievan Rus, when regional princes reigned supreme. It contined its rise, until the reign of Peter the Great who shifted the seat of power to St. Petersburg in the early 18th century. Moscow and the Kremlin came back to prominence following the Bolshevik revolution of 1918, when the Soviets restored the Kremlin back to the center of power. Both Lenin and Stalin selected the Kremlin as their official residence and the mounted eagles which had once represented the Tsars were replaced with Kremlin stars.The glass building which is one of the first buildings you will come across close to the entrance was built under the personal guidance

of Nikita Kruschev to host communist party meetings. It was completed in 1961 and despite its architecural imbalance with the suurounding buildings the architects were awarded the Lenin Prize. It has over 800 rooms, with 17 meters submerged underground. Its main hall could host 6000 guests and during the time of the Soviet Union it was used for party congresses.

Today it is used by the Bolsoi while their theatre is being renovated. One of the main squares in the Kremlin is Cathedral square which houses some magnificent cathedrals including the Cathedrals of Dormiton, Annunciation and the Archangel Michael. These date back to the 15th Century. From the same period but lacking none of the lustre of the cathedrals is the Churches of the 12 apostles and dating a little later is the Church of the Denunciation.

A couple of the more curious landmarks in the Kremlin is the Tsar’s Bell. Weighing in at an impressive 200 tons, it bears the insignia of

Empress Anna and Tsar Alexei who commissioned both this bell and its predecessor, who was shattered and later destroyed in a fire. This bell was made in parts from the shattered bell, but it also fell foul to a fire while it was cooling off from its cast. Water was thrown over the bell causing a chunk weighing 11 tons to fall off. The bell lay for a hundred years until a pedestal was commissioned and the bell was placed on it next to the broken piece. Another impressive artifact is the Tsar Canon. Cast in 1586 it was to be used for the defense of the Saviour Gate of the Kremlin which led to Red Square. It ended up never being used and today it lies in the grounds of the Kremlin as a fine example of workmanship. The cannons by the side are for show only.

Don’t overlook a look at the view from the closeby river over Moscow. It’s simply stunning…

Or miss some attractions in the vicinity like the tomb of the unknown soldier located by the walls of the Kremlin.

The inscription on the side reads ” 1941 To those who have fallen for the motherland 1945″ And if you are quick try and catch the changing of the guard.

And if you are lucky you may even catch a wedding. It is tradition for couples to lay flower at the tomb and to thank the dead for their opportunity to wed.

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