Posted by: worldsgreatesttravelblog | December 20, 2009

ArgentinaRepública Argentina 

Brief Overview 2009

Coat of Arms

Capital: Buenos Aires
Area: 2,766,890km2
Land Borders with: Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile
Population: 40,482,000
Official Language: Spanish
Motto: En unión y libertad (“In Unity and Freedom
NationalAnthem: Himno Nacional Argentino
Climate: Temperate with two extremes from subtropical in the South to subpolar in the far North
Terrain: Three distinct areas consisting of the Andean mountains along the Western border, flat and rolling plateau’s going South to Patagonia and rich plains of the Pampas in the North 
Currency: Peso
Main Religion: Roman Catholic
Government: Presidential Republic
President: President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Literary rate: 97%
National Airline: Aerolíneas Argentinas
International dialing code: 54
Largest: Argentina has the largest medal tally from the Pan American Games – current tally 247 gold medals
National Dish: Parilla (selection of  meats)


Argentina was a former Spanish colony declaring independence on the 9th July, 1816. It became a haven for Europeans who flocked there in their thousands. They transformed the economy and developed modern agriculture, making Argentina, in the early part of the 20th century one of the most prosperous countries in the world. In 1946 Juan Peron was elected President, leading to a political movement called “Peronism”.  His wife Evita would become a national icon and play a central role. She died in 1952. In 1955 a violent coup, forced Peron from power and he fled to Spain.  Peronism was banned from political life. A period of repression from 1970 caused the disappearance of thousands of people. Peron returned to Argentina in 1973, taking office again until his death in 1974. This left his 3rd wife Isabel as President until a coup D’etat removed her from office in 1976. Democracy, following defeat in the Falklands was restored in 1983. In 2001/02 Argentina went through a period of severe economic hardships leading to violent public protests, and unemployment running at 25%. In 2007 Argentina elected its first woman president and the country is currently enjoying a period of economic growth.  More on Argentina at Wikpedia  

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